Entries by shameem

I Look Up photoshoot

[pe2-gallery album=”aHR0cDovL3BpY2FzYXdlYi5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RhdGEvZmVlZC9iYXNlL3VzZXIvMTE4Mjk0MjY4MjE5NDE1NjI1MzQ5L2FsYnVtaWQvNTc5MzA1MzAzNTQ1NTY2OTc3Nz9hbHQ9cnNzJmFtcDtobD1lbl9VUyZraW5kPXBob3Rv”]   All photos taken by Katey Manuchehri – www.kateymanuchehri.com


“”Undertones” has been nominated for a WAM Song of the Year award in the urban category… I’ll be going to an awards night in mid-October to see if it wins! Congratulations to the other artists in the Soulaverse collective who also made the finals in the urban category: The Brow and NDORSE & Rezide. VOTE for “Undertones” as your […]

Looking Up

“I Look Up” video teaser is online!! You can check it out here. The full-length clip will be online in a couple of weeks… To be the among the first with the link for the full-length clip, “like” my facebook fan page by clicking on the facebook icon on the sidebar. For more exciting recent news, […]

Higher Ground

BLOG ENTRY 20/08/10 Egads! It’s been a long time since I’ve updated this space. Where have I been, you ask? Lying low after a few months of hectic gigging, that’s where! Actually no, I lie. I’ve been doing a fair few commercial gigs – singing jazz standards at corporate functions, birthdays and the like. I […]

Song Summit and other antics…

BLOG ENTRY 28/06/10 Last weekend saw me flying the red-eye over to Sydney for Song Summit – a conference for songwriters organised by APRA (the Australiasian Performing Rights Association, of which I’m a proud member). If you know you’re only going to get 4-hours sleep on the plane as you’re total dose of shut-eye for […]

Amazing Autumn!

It’s been a busy couple of months for this little chick singer! Gigs aplenty in various venues around Perth (and not all playing the same kind of music either!), a trip to South Australia to participate in the finals of the James Morrison “Generations in Jazz” Vocal Scholarship and also a trip to Geraldton to perform […]

New website by Florence Road!

 BLOG ENTRY 17/06/10 Now that I’m done boasting about how much fun I’ve had over the last couple of months of multiple gigs, let me tell you what else has been keeping me busy! I’ve been spending some time working on expanding my online presence – as you can see, my website has a brand […]