I did a really enjoyable interview with Geoff Wood on ABC Radio National’s The Rhythm Divine, talking about the spiritual inspiration behind my music and lyrics. Here’s a little except from the program, which you can download in full here.
Geoff posted a neat little blurb about the show before it was aired, and did this beautiful write up afterwards that was featured on the ABC home page for a few hours.
[pe2-image src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/-kxOPG-FCuao/VSYsAcMgAHI/AAAAAAAACMs/0kprcQJozUg/s144-c-o/ABC%252520Radio%252520National%252520-%252520write%252520up.png” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/118294268219415625349/PressClippingsUnderOneSunTheSecondCityEtc#6135639928419123314″ caption=”ABC Radio National – write up.png” type=”image” alt=”ABC Radio National – write up.png” ]
It reads like a film script—struggling musician posts demos online and gets interest from a Grammy-winning producer who offers to co-write her new single—but it’s what happened to young Perth-based Baha’i singer-songwriter Shameem, writes Geoff Wood.
‘It shows that MySpace isn’t completely dead,’ says Shameem, laughing as she recalls the day a Grammy-winning producer turned her life upside down.
‘I got this message on MySpace from James Bryan and I hadn’t heard of him. He’d actually found some demos that I’d done. He said, “I really love your voice and do you write your own music?”
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