Time Does Not Reverse photoshoot
Photography by Mary Parker, makeup by Suzanah Soffian HMUA, hair by Candise at Shendals Signature Salon.
Photography by Mary Parker, makeup by Suzanah Soffian HMUA, hair by Candise at Shendals Signature Salon.
[pe2-gallery album=”http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/118294268219415625349/albumid/6101535614067377105?alt=rss&hl=en_US&kind=photo” ]
Photos taken by Katey Manuchehri. Make-up by Michael Ivory; hair by Kelly at Shendals Signature Salon. Dress created by Ayesha Parsons of Decisively Ambiguous.
[pe2-gallery album=”http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/118294268219415625349/albumid/6019863026949397505?alt=rss&hl=en_US&kind=photo” ]
Photos taken by Red Bird Creative and edited by Angelyne Wolfe. Make-up by Gail Wilton; hair by Sharryn Sinclair. Dress created by Ayesha Parsons of Decisively Ambiguous and Aggie Ampersand.
All photos taken by Katey Manuchehri, edited by David Broadway. Make-up by Michaela Whittle of The Makeup eMpire. Hair by Katie and Kendal at Shendals Signature Salon.
[pe2-gallery album="aHR0cDovL3BpY2FzYXdlYi5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RhdGEvZmVlZC9iYXNlL3VzZXIvMTE4Mjk0MjY4MjE5NDE1NjI1MzQ5L2FsYnVtaWQvNTc5MzA0OTY1Mjc2MzIxMjIwOT9hbHQ9cnNzJmFtcDtobD1lbl9VUyZraW5kPXBob3Rv"]
All photos taken by Katey Manuchehri.