Time Does Not Reverse photoshoot

Photography by Mary Parker, makeup by Suzanah Soffian HMUA, hair by Candise at Shendals Signature Salon.

The Second City photoshoot

[pe2-gallery album=”http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/118294268219415625349/albumid/6101535614067377105?alt=rss&hl=en_US&kind=photo” ]

Photos taken by Katey Manuchehri. Make-up by Michael Ivory; hair by Kelly at Shendals Signature Salon. Dress created by Ayesha Parsons of Decisively Ambiguous.

Beautiful Soul shoot

[pe2-gallery album=”http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/118294268219415625349/albumid/6019863026949397505?alt=rss&hl=en_US&kind=photo” ]

Photos taken by Red Bird Creative and edited by Angelyne Wolfe. Make-up by Gail Wilton; hair by Sharryn Sinclair. Dress created by Ayesha Parsons of Decisively Ambiguous and Aggie Ampersand.

Debut album photoshoot

All photos taken by Katey Manuchehri, edited by David Broadway. Make-up by Michaela Whittle of The Makeup eMpire. Hair by Katie and Kendal at Shendals Signature Salon.

Universe for Afternoon Tea photoshoot

[pe2-gallery album="aHR0cDovL3BpY2FzYXdlYi5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RhdGEvZmVlZC9iYXNlL3VzZXIvMTE4Mjk0MjY4MjE5NDE1NjI1MzQ5L2FsYnVtaWQvNTc5MzA0OTY1Mjc2MzIxMjIwOT9hbHQ9cnNzJmFtcDtobD1lbl9VUyZraW5kPXBob3Rv"]

All photos taken by Katey Manuchehri.